Home Staging Blunders to Avoid

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Home staging is often a complicated and timely process, albeit necessary in selling your home for the value you deserve. As moving experts, here are the top staging blunders we encounter with inexperienced sellers—make sure to avoid these, or hire 123organize to help you at every step!

1. Placing your furniture at an angle

Many sellers believe placing their furniture at an angle will make their space look bigger, when in fact, it actually skews the perspective of the room. This leads to the space of the room feeling ‘off’—so ensure items and furniture are arranged in a straight manner whenever possible.

2. Not thinking about how your space will photograph

Most of the time, buyers will initially see your home via photographs and virtual video tours. Photographers often use windows and fireplaces as focal points, so stage furniture around these. Consider the standout structural feature of each room and complement those areas accordingly.

3.Having too much stuff

Our mantra is the less stuff, the better. Knick-knacks, books, photographs, decorative accents and more are often fine in moderation, but they can easily crowd a space. Display a few larger items to create an air of sophistication—for example, a large plant on a coffee table, or a standout decorative pillow on an ottoman.

We offer home staging, decluttering, and move management services!
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