Redfin features 123organize in: The Best Decluttering Checklist to Curb the Clutter: 16 Actionable Tips from the Experts

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August 30, 2021 by Hannah Tan

123organize was selected by Redfin as a top New York, NY decluttering expert. See the Redfin article we were featured in here: The Best Decluttering Checklist to Curb the Clutter: 16 Actionable Tips from the Experts


Just like the sight of a completed checklist can make you feel more productive, a decluttered, organized home can go a long way in making you feel more efficient. However, with so many distractions keeping us on our toes, tackling the necessary decluttering tasks you’ve set aside for the day can be overwhelming.

Fortunately, decluttering a home doesn’t need to be a daunting process. To help you get started, we reached out to experts from Atlanta, GA, to North Bay, ON, for their best tips on creating a decluttering checklist for every room in your home. Even if you’re starting from scratch or just need a little extra guidance, here are 16 actionable tips to help you curb the clutter once and for all. 

Read the article for our best bathroom decluttering tips (hint: it’s tip #7)

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